Credit Score Application Credit Score Ahead… Step 1 of 4 25% 1. How many credit cards do you have?*I have never had a credit card.12 to 45 or more2. How long ago did you get your first loan?*I have never had a loan.less than 6 months ago2 to 4 2 to 5 years ago5 to 10 years ago10 to 15 years ago15 to 20 years agomore than 20 years ago 3. How many loans or credit cards have you applied for in the last year? *0123 to 56 or more4. How recently have you opened a new loan or credit card?*less than 3 months agobetween 3 and 6 months agomore than 6 months ago5. How many of your loans and/or credit cards currently carry a balance?*0 to 45 to 67 to 89 or more6. Except for any mortgage loans, what are your total balances on all other loans and credit cards combined?*I have only mortgage loan(s)Less than $500$500 to $999$1,000 to $4,999$5,000 to $9,999$10,000 to $19,999$20,000+7. When did you last miss a credit card or loan payment?*I have never missed a paymentin the past 3 months3 to 6 months ago6 months to 1 year ago1 to 2 years ago2 to 3 years ago3 to 4 years agomore than 4 years ago 8. How many of your credit cards and/or loans are currently past due?*012 or more9. What percent of your total credit card limits do your current credit card balances represent?*I have never had a credit card0% to 9%10% to 19%20% to 29%30% to 39%40% to 49%50% to 69%70% to 89%90% to 99%100% or higher10. Please specify if you have ever gone through any of the following negative financial events in the last 10 years: foreclosure, tax lien, bankruptcy, repossession, or account referred to collection agency. *YesNo Name First Last PhoneEmail